For Immediate Release
January 31, 2025

Dede Laugesen
[email protected]


Joint Letter Urges Him to Stay the Course, Take Additional Steps

WASHINGTON, D.C.— A group of medical professionals, subject matter experts, national security practitioners and other patriots have conveyed to President Donald Trump their deep appreciation for fulfilling his 2004 campaign promise to withdraw the United States from the globalist clutches of the World Health Organization for a second time.

A joint letter initiated by the Sovereignty Coalition signed by 42 individuals and 23 organizations makes clear that this action is both fully warranted in light of the WHO’s malfeasance, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the UN organization’s bid to transform itself into an instrument of world government. The letter also urges Mr. Trump to pursue alternative, voluntary arrangements for partnering to contend with transnational public health threats.

Such recommendations include:

  1. “Refrain from redirecting the funds to another health-related organization but rather deposit them in a “Health Reserve” … We suggest that the funds that would have gone to the WHO not be redirected to Gavi, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, or any other organization that is a current or past donor to the WHO…[or] to any other organization that would propose to replace the WHO.  Any global health organization will function as a magnet for globalists to infiltrate and, eventually, to take over.”
  2. “Expunge ‘One Health’ initiatives on the national, state and local level, as well as in academia … Using as a pretext the interface between human, animal, plant health and the environment, the ‘One Health’ approach is a means of ‘balancing’ the needs of humans with those of animals, plants and climate change….The ‘One Health’ approach may be used to justifythe surveillance and control of every aspect of life on earth.”
  3. “Remove all ‘National Focal Points’ and ‘IHR Authorities’ … Requiring the appointment of a national ‘IHR Czar,’ and requiring nations to ‘adjust’ their domestic laws to implement the IHRs, constitute a violation of the sovereignty of any nation.  The U.S. does not need an IHR Czar answerable to the WHO and not to the American people.”
  4. “Encourage Congress to enact legislation permanently withdrawing us from the WHO … Enactment of such legislation would prevent a future president from putting the U.S. back into the WHO by Executive Order.” And,
  5. “Withdraw the US from the United Nations’ ‘Pact for the Future’ … The ‘Pact for the Future’ provides that, in the case of a ‘complex global shock’ (such as a ‘major climatic event,’ supply chain or global connectivity disruption) the United Nations would be in a position of directing the global response via an emergency platform that would operationalize automatically.  

Sovereignty Coalition Co-founder Reggie Littlejohn, the joint letter’s principal author, said upon its release: “We applaud President Trump’s withdrawal from the WHO.  At the same time, this withdrawal is the beginning and not the end of disentangling us from this corrupt organization.  We urge President Trump to remain steadfast in leading not only the U.S., but the entire world, to withdraw from the WHO, which, in President Trump’s own words, “deserves to be completely abolished.”

The views expressed here do not necessarily
reflect those of each member of the Sovereignty Coalition.


To interview representatives of the Sovereignty Coalition, contact Dede Laugesen at [email protected]