Release | Friends Of U.S. Sovereignty Congratulate President Trump For Exiting The W.H.O. Again

WASHINGTON, D.C.— A group of medical professionals, subject matter experts, national security practitioners and other patriots have conveyed to President Donald Trump their deep appreciation for fulfilling his 2004 campaign promise to withdraw the United States from the globalist clutches of the World Health Organization for a second time.

The Sovereignty Summit 5

On Tuesday, January 14, at 2 p.m. ET, the Sovereignty Coalition convened its “Fifth Sovereignty Summit” to urge President Trump to deliver on his campaign promises to withdraw the U.S. from the WHO, prioritize U.S. sovereignty, and Make America Great – and Healthy – Again.

Release | U.N. Approves Bid For World Government

WASHINGTON, D.C.— On Sunday morning, the United Nations adopted without debate a “Pact for the Future” that includes a mandate for the organization and its Secretary-General to manage “complex global shocks.” While the language employed misleadingly obscures the true purpose of this new charter, it is clearly to turn the United Nations into a world government.

Rep. Good and Rep. Norman Press Conference Denouncing World Health Organization

Rep. Good and Rep. Norman Press Conference Denouncing World Health Organization

Release | Congressional Leaders, Other Patriots Stand Up For Sovereignty On Constitution Day

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Prominent Members of Congress and their supporters in the Sovereignty Coalition held a press conference marking Constitution Day outside the House of Representatives yesterday. They applauded the recent bipartisan vote for H.R. 1425, “The No WHO Pandemic Preparedness Treaty Without Senate Consent” and called for redoubled resistance to the Biden-Harris administration’s anti-constitutional efforts to advance world government.


WASHINGTON, D.C.— Globalists, fresh from their success conferring ominous new, supranational “emergency” powers on the World Health Organization’s Director General in June, are poised to do the same for another Marxist: Former president of Socialist International and current United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres. From 11 a.m.-1 p.m. ET on Monday, September 16th, the Sovereignty Coalition’s third Sovereignty Summit will expose and decry what is in the works next week with strong support from the Biden-Harris administration.

Release: House To Vote To Ensure Senate Votes On W.H.O. Tyranny

PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release September 11, 2024 CONTACT: Matthew Franklin, [email protected] HOUSE TO VOTE TO ENSURE SENATE VOTES ON W.H.O. TYRANNY; IT MUST DO THE SAME ON THE U.N.’S NEXT Speaker Johnson to be Commended for Prioritizing this Fight WASHINGTON, D.C.—This afternoon, the House of Representatives is set to vote on H.R. 1425, the … Read more

Release | 26 Governors “Will Not Comply” With W.H.O Tyranny

26 Governors “Will Not Comply” With W.H.O Tyranny; They – And We – Must Say “No” To U.N.’S Power-Grab, Too | Bid by Secretary-General for Emergency Powers Must be Rejected

Republican Governors Send Clear Message to World Health Organization: We Will Not Comply

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Republican governors joined together today to state that they will not comply with the World Health Organization’s attempt at one world control over health policy.

BRIEFING: Globalist Ambitions at the U.N.’s Summit of the Future

A Sovereignty Coalition’s Emergency Briefing with James Lindsay and Alex Newman.

Frank Gaffney on a new “pandemic treaty” being considered by the World Health Organization

CSP Founder and Executive Chairman, Frank Gaffney, joined Fine Point with Chanel Rion to discuss negotiations under way within the WHO to give the international organization even more power.


Please click here to urge those who represent you to ensure that we remain a sovereign and free Republic – not a casualty of global governance – by requiring the International Health Regulation Treaty be submitted to and rejected by the U.S. Senate.

James Lindsay, Xi Van Fleet, Pete Santilli, LA Sen Valarie Hodges and State Rep Kathy Edmonston on X Spaces: Celebrate Sovereignty | July 3, 2024

Join us to hear from members of the coalition and experts in the field, Tuesday, July 3, 2024, at 5 pm ET on X Spaces.

Special X Spaces: Update from Geneva | Tue June 4, 2024, 8 pm ET

Join us to hear from members of the coalition and experts in the field, Tuesday, June 4, 2024, at 8 pm ET on X Spaces.

Release | REJECT THE W.H.O.’S ILLEGAL POWER-GRAB  Tedros Violates His Organization’s ‘Constitution’ in Order to Threaten Ours

WASHINGTON, D.C.— In Geneva late Saturday night, the Biden administration, Communist China and other co-conspirators lawlessly launched a new mechanism for foisting “global governance” on all of us. In the process of illegally amending the World Health Organization’s International Health Regulations (IHRs) in a bid to give its Director General, Tedros Ghebreyesus, unprecedented power to trample our sovereignty and freedoms, the WHO served notice that such power will be tyrannically abused, including via the violation of those very regulations.

Release | Stop The “Global Governance” Bait-And-Switch: W.H.O. Must Not Get Away With Subterfuge On Sovereignty

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The World Health Organization’s World Health Assembly (WHA) reportedly has failed to achieve its goal of adopting a Pandemic Response treaty aimed at granting WHO Director General Tedros Ghebreysus the authority to declare a “public health emergency of international concern” and dictate what must be done in response. Unfortunately, that is not true.