The Sovereignty Summit 4

Sovereignty Summit 4: An Update on the Globalists’ World Government Agenda; Why and How it Must be Resisted FULL TRANSCRIPT NOTE: This transcript was prepared by a transcription service. This version may contain grammatical and spelling errors incurred during translation. Please refer to the referenced media to confirm. As you know, the UN Summit of … Read more

Rep. Good and Rep. Norman Press Conference Denouncing World Health Organization

Rep. Good and Rep. Norman Press Conference Denouncing World Health Organization

BRIEFING: Globalist Ambitions at the U.N.’s Summit of the Future

A Sovereignty Coalition’s Emergency Briefing with James Lindsay and Alex Newman.

WORLD WAR III: The Early Years | Charlotte, NC | June 27, 2024

GET INFORMED about the THREATS, GET EMPOWERED to be PART OF THE SOLUTION. TOPICS: The Chinese Communist Party, Globalist Organizations, Cross-Border Invasion, Weaponized Judiciary, Elite Capture. FEATURING: Steven K. Bannon (via Skype), and Dr. John Eastman with Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy and James Lindsay, New Discourses, Brian Kennedy, Trevor Loudon, and Ben Berquam