The Sovereignty Summit 4

Sovereignty Summit 4: An Update on the Globalists’ World Government Agenda; Why and How it Must be Resisted FULL TRANSCRIPT NOTE: This transcript was prepared by a transcription service. This version may contain grammatical and spelling errors incurred during translation. Please refer to the referenced media to confirm. As you know, the UN Summit of … Read more

Mobilize for Sovereignty – No WHO – w/ guests Sen. Ron Johnson & Dr. Kat Lindley | 5-6-24

Sen. Johnson remarked on the 49 Republican Senators’ letter to President Biden that he spearheaded, and Dr. Kat Lindley (@KLVeritas) will give us a brief on the current state of play in Europe following her recent trip.

Defunding the W.H.O.! Insights from the American Sovereignty Coalition with Ron Armstrong

Ron Armstrong is the President of Stand Up Michigan, a large grassroots organization. He is a former mayor and leader not only in Michigan but a strong voice on the national level. He is currently working with the American Sovereignty Coalition. This coalition is a non-partisan group dedicated to protecting the U.S. Constitution and defending national sovereignty against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Their immediate priority is to prevent global governance arrangements that conflict with representative, limited government, such as the World Health Organization’s attempt to dictate public health policies.

One Health: A Plan to ‘Surveil and Control Every Aspect of Life on Earth’?

One Health has more to do with a biosecurity agenda, a global surveillance system, vaccine passports and restrictions on human behavior than it has to do with protecting human health.

Is CDC Tracking Patients Who Decline COVID-19 Shots?

Diagnostic codes that allow health care providers to collect data on people who decline COVID-19 shots are raising questions in Congress.