The Sovereignty Summit 4

Sovereignty Summit 4: An Update on the Globalists’ World Government Agenda; Why and How it Must be Resisted FULL TRANSCRIPT NOTE: This transcript was prepared by a transcription service. This version may contain grammatical and spelling errors incurred during translation. Please refer to the referenced media to confirm. As you know, the UN Summit of … Read more

Republican Governors Send Clear Message to World Health Organization: We Will Not Comply

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Republican governors joined together today to state that they will not comply with the World Health Organization’s attempt at one world control over health policy.

BRIEFING: Globalist Ambitions at the U.N.’s Summit of the Future

A Sovereignty Coalition’s Emergency Briefing with James Lindsay and Alex Newman.


Please click here to urge those who represent you to ensure that we remain a sovereign and free Republic – not a casualty of global governance – by requiring the International Health Regulation Treaty be submitted to and rejected by the U.S. Senate.

Trump Vows: I Will Rip Up, Throw Away WHO Pandemic Agreement

President Donald Trump has put the issue of world government at the forefront of the 2024 presidential race, vowing to “protect American sovereignty” and the U.S. Constitution from the designs of unelected global bureaucrats.

VIDEO: The Sovereignty Summit

The Summit provided a platform for elected officials from around the world to address with the utmost urgency the proposed World Health Organization’s deeply problematic Pandemic Agreement and proposed amendments to the WHO International Health Regulations (IHR).


WASHINGTON, D.C.—The Sovereignty Coalition is pleased to announce its convening of “The Sovereignty Summit” to demonstrate the growing international opposition to the impending, stealthy effort to supplant national sovereignty with tyrannical “global governance.” On Thursday, May 23rd, the Coalition, with the indispensable help and participation of U.S. Senator Ron Johnson, will bring together leading American and foreign legislators determined to prevent the approval at next week’s meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA) of either, or both, of what amount to two as-yet-unfinished treaties that would make the World Health Organization’s Director General a global dictator for public health.

‘Frankly Terrifying’: Brexit Champion Fronts Campaign against WHO Pandemic Treaty

A top conservative voice in Britain is joining a new international coalition aiming to rein in the World Health Organization (WHO). On Monday, the international organization Action on World Health (AWH) officially launched, simultaneously announcing the involvement of former Brexit leader Nigel Farage. The organization is an effort to reform the WHO as the entity prepares to finalize its pandemic treaty, which critics say betrays a globalist agenda.

Release | Stop The W.H.O.’S Bait-And-Switch: “Global Governance” Cannot Be Foisted On Us By Stealth

WASHINGTON, D.C.—The World Health Organization announced on Friday that its negotiators had failed to achieve agreement on a final draft of the proposed Pandemic Response Accord by the declared May 10 deadline. The announcement prompted some to believe that that treaty was “dead” and no longer likely to be approved at the upcoming meeting of the World Health Assembly (WHA) from May 27-June 1.  Not so.

Urgent message and call to action from WCH Canada

Canadian politicians are about to sign over all authority of Canadians to outside interests, within the WHO (The World Health Organization Corporation) through The Pandemic Treaty and The Amendments to The International Health Regulations (IHRa). The IHRa process of signing over our rights to an unelected third party corporation is scheduled to occur very soon, between May 24th and June 2nd.

Release | Twenty-Two State Attorneys General Oppose Biden Surrender Of Sovereignty, States Rights To The W.H.O.

WASHINGTON, D.C.— Twenty-two state attorneys general have added their voices to the growing opposition to the Biden administration’s plan to agree in just 18 days to two treaties still being negotiated by the World Health Organization (WHO). Under the leadership of Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, these states’ senior legal officers have rejected these accords that would have the effect of turning over their states’ constitutional responsibility for public health decisions to the WHO’s Director General, Tedros Ghebreyesus. Their bottom line: “We will resist any attempt to enable the WHO to directly or indirectly set public policy for our citizens.”

State AGs Push Biden Not To Hand Over Vast Pandemic Powers To WHO

By REAGAN REESE | Daily Caller | May 08, 2024 A band of state Attorneys Generals are urging President Joe Biden not to hand over several vast pandemic powers to the World Health Organization (WHO), the Daily Caller first learned. Led by Montana Attorney General Austin Knudsen, 22 state attorneys generals wrote a letter to … Read more

Mobilize for Sovereignty – No WHO – w/ guests Sen. Ron Johnson & Dr. Kat Lindley | 5-6-24

Sen. Johnson remarked on the 49 Republican Senators’ letter to President Biden that he spearheaded, and Dr. Kat Lindley (@KLVeritas) will give us a brief on the current state of play in Europe following her recent trip.

The Globalists In Plain Sight – Frank Gaffney, Reggie Littlejohn On WHO

CDM’s Globalists In Plain Sight Host Christine Dolan interviews Frank Gaffney, Founder of the Center for Security Policy, and Reggie Littlejohn, Founder of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, about what is at stake before the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland May 27, 2024.

‘Not Now’ Campaign to Defend America’s Sovereignty Against WHO

On April 19, 2024, Members of the U.S. Senate and House, together with leaders of the Sovereignty Coalition, held a Capitol Hill press conference to voice their opposition to the imminent adoption of two World Health Organization (WHO) treaties that are set to be agreed to in just 37 days.  Participants denounced the Biden administration’s intention to approve these treaties that surrender U.S. sovereignty, compromise states’ rights, and undermine, if not terminate, constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.


WASHINGTON, D.C.— Yesterday, Members of the U.S. Senate and House, together with leaders of the Sovereignty Coalition, held a Capitol Hill press conference to voice their opposition to the imminent adoption of two World Health Organization (WHO) treaties that are set to be agreed to in just 37 days.  Participants denounced the Biden administration’s intention to approve these treaties that surrender U.S. sovereignty, compromise states’ rights, and undermine, if not terminate, constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.