The Sovereignty Summit 5

Sovereignty Summit 5:


America First, Not World Government,
is the Order of the Day


NOTE: This transcript was prepared by a transcription service. This version may contain grammatical and spelling errors incurred during translation. Please refer to the referenced media to confirm.

On Tuesday, January 14, at 2 p.m. ET, the Sovereignty Coalition convened its “Fifth Sovereignty Summit” to urge President Trump to deliver on his campaign promises to withdraw the U.S. from the WHO, prioritize U.S. sovereignty, and Make America Great – and Healthy – Again.

The Coalition has steadfastly opposed Team Biden’s efforts to advance world government at the expense of our national sovereignty and constitutionally guaranteed rights. It welcomes the promises made by President-elect Donald Trump and his incoming team immediately upon taking office to defund and withdraw from one of the principal instruments of this betrayal of the sworn duty to support and defend the Constitution – the World Health Organization – and otherwise to strive to Make America Healthy Again.

Sovereignty Summit V featured the following presentations:

  • Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, DO, AOBNMM, AHBIM is an osteopathic medical doctor, board-certified in osteopathic medicine, with a proficiency certification in Integrative Medicine; founder, Tenpenny Integrative Medical Center in Cleveland, OH; Dr. Tenpenny’s authority in the field of vaccines is unparalleled.
    Topic: “The Promise of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: What to Expect – and What is Needed – from Our Next Secretary of Health and Human Services”
  • Dr. Kat Lindley, DO, a board-certified family physician in Texas, President of Global Health Project, and past President of the Texas Osteopathic Medical Association
    Topic: “Make America Healthy Again: What it Will Take and Is It in Prospect?”
  • Dr. Robert Malone, M.D., M.S., Inventor of the mRNA technology and author of “Lies My Government Told Me and the Better Future Coming”
    Topic: “Trump 2.0 and the Coming Plandemics”
  • Reggie Littlejohn, Esq., Founder and president, Anti-globalist International; Co-founder, Sovereignty Coalition; President of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers
    Topic: “Digital Gulag vs. National Sovereignty: Why Trump Should Immediately Withdraw the US from the WHO”
  • Summer Ingram, Vice President of Strategic Affairs, Liberty Counsel Action and Liberty Counsel; She is an ordained minister; former Vice President of Legislative Affairs and Prayer Outreach for the Congressional Prayer Caucus Foundation
    Topic: “Why President Trump Has Authority to Withdraw from the WHO and any other Sovereignty-Crushing International Agreements”
  • Kris Ullman, Esq., National President, Eagle Forum; Conservative debater for The Close Up Foundation for  high school students for over 25 years; former commentator on the Thom Hartmann Show on RT-TV
    Topic: “National Legislative Efforts to Protect U.S. Sovereignty”
  • Karen Bracken, Founder of TN Citizens for State Sovereignty (TNCSS); follow at
    Topic: “State-level Efforts to Prevent World Government”
  • Ron Armstrong, President, Stand Up Michigan; founding member of both the Sovereignty Coalition and Save America’s Military; a leader in national conservative activism
    Topic: “Trump’s Mandate to Protect our Sovereignty and How We Can Help Ensure His Promises Made are Promises Kept”
  • With moderator Frank Gaffney, President of the Institute for the American Future and Co-founder of the Sovereignty Coalition.

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