The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) is being used by the Chinese Communist Party, globalists and their enablers in the Biden administration to end our sovereignty. Their stated goal is to promote “global governance” – by which they mean not the sort of representative, accountable government guaranteed by our Constitution. Rather, they seek to have the world run by elites through vehicles like the W.H.O., empowered to use health security as a pretext for anti-constitutional, totalitarian surveillance and control of our people.
The only way to prevent such an assault on our freedoms is to withdraw the United States from the W.H.O. The first step is to stop the American taxpayers’ underwriting of that organization. A House Appropriations Subcommittee has voted to do just that. The full Appropriations Committee needs to be encouraged to support defunding the World Health Organization.
Act now to tell the Appropriations Committee and your Senators and Congressional Representative to save our sovereignty and defund the W.H.O.