Mobilize for Sovereignty with Brad Miller as guest, hosted by Frank Gaffney and Dr. Kat Lindley | 5-27-24

A public Zoom meeting from the Sovereignty Coalition with Brad Miller, Monday, May 27, 2024

VIDEO: The Sovereignty Summit

The Summit provided a platform for elected officials from around the world to address with the utmost urgency the proposed World Health Organization’s deeply problematic Pandemic Agreement and proposed amendments to the WHO International Health Regulations (IHR).

VIDEO: Exposing WHO Chief Dr. Tedros: Militant Marxist and China Stooge

It is incomprehensible – and wholly unacceptable – to give such a man unchecked power to dictate public health policy and our personal medical treatment. Treaties that would make Tedros Ghebreyesus a global health dictator must not be imposed on the American people. Not now. Not ever. Join us in saying so.

Mobilize for Sovereignty – No WHO – w/ guests Drs. Paul Marik and Pierre Kory | 5-13-24

A public Zoom meeting from the Sovereignty Coalition, Dr. Kat Lindley and Patrice Pederson with Drs. Paul E. Marik and Pierre Kory from FLCCC, 8 pm ET, Monday, May 13, 2024

Mobilize for Sovereignty – No WHO – w/ guests Sen. Ron Johnson & Dr. Kat Lindley | 5-6-24

Sen. Johnson remarked on the 49 Republican Senators’ letter to President Biden that he spearheaded, and Dr. Kat Lindley (@KLVeritas) will give us a brief on the current state of play in Europe following her recent trip.

Dr. James Thorp and Jason Jones “Mobilize for Sovereignty: No WHO” on Zoom | 4-29-24

A Zoom meeting: Mobilize for Sovereignty – No WHO – held on April 29, 2024
These meetings are scheduled weekly with different guest speakers on Mondays at 8:00 pm ET through June 3.

The Globalists In Plain Sight – Frank Gaffney, Reggie Littlejohn On WHO

CDM’s Globalists In Plain Sight Host Christine Dolan interviews Frank Gaffney, Founder of the Center for Security Policy, and Reggie Littlejohn, Founder of Women’s Rights Without Frontiers, about what is at stake before the World Health Organization in Geneva, Switzerland May 27, 2024.

‘Not Now’ Campaign to Defend America’s Sovereignty Against WHO

On April 19, 2024, Members of the U.S. Senate and House, together with leaders of the Sovereignty Coalition, held a Capitol Hill press conference to voice their opposition to the imminent adoption of two World Health Organization (WHO) treaties that are set to be agreed to in just 37 days.  Participants denounced the Biden administration’s intention to approve these treaties that surrender U.S. sovereignty, compromise states’ rights, and undermine, if not terminate, constitutionally guaranteed freedoms.

Catching Fire News | Faith McDonnell

The World Health Organization is seeking nations to sign on to a treaty that will compromise our sovereignty.

Webinar | Freefall into Tyranny: What’s at stake at the World Health Assembly

This SVPTF webinar informs the public on the WHO’s tyrannical reforms, and what citizens can do to stop them.

CPAC 2024 Panel | The Globalists’ Threat to Sovereignty: The WHO and the UN Climate Agenda

A CPAC 2024 Panel | February 24, 2024 | FEATURING: Bill Walton, Frank Gaffney, Margaret Byfield, Brandon Weichert


Bill Walton, Host of the Bill Walton Show
Frank Gaffney, Executive Chairman, Center for Security Policy
Margaret Byfield, Executive Director of American Stewards of Liberty
Brandon Weichert, Author of Winning Space: How America Remains a Superpower 

Reggie Littlejohn: “We Are At War And We Don’t Even Know It”

Reggie Littlejohn with Steve Bannon on War Room at CPAC 2024 on the war for our Sovereignty.

VIDEO: Reps. Chris Smith and Brad Wenstrup Lead Congressional Press Conference

On February 5th, two influential members of the House of Representatives hosted a Capitol Hill press conference featuring remarks by them and a number of experts and activists calling for the rejection of two agreements now being stealthily negotiated by the United States government, those of Communist China and other nations and World Health Organization (WHO) bureaucrats with the support of Bill Gates, the World Economic Forum and Big Pharma.

BRIEFING: The Fundamental Transformation of the W.H.O. From Health Advisor to Global Dictator

On Tuesday, December 12, from 2:00-3:00 pm ET, the Sovereignty Coalition hosted a virtual briefing for Members of the U.S. House Oversight Select Committee on the Coronavirus Pandemic (SC-CVP) and their staff regarding “The Fundamental Transformation of the W.H.O.: From Health Advisor to Global Dictator,” Reggie Littlejohn with Dr. Meryl Nass, Dr. Kat Lindley, Valerie Borek, Catherine Austin Fitts, and Kris Ullman.

VIDEO: The Fundamental Transformation of the W.H.O. From Health Advisor to Global Dictator

A breakfast briefing for Senators, Representatives and staff on what the WHO is doing to transition from an advisory agency to a governing body.

W.H.O. Pandemic Treaty “Judgment Day”

Tell your elected representatives to pass legislation NOW precluding this monstrous power grab, #NOtoWHO