Sovereignty Coalition Press Conference: Get the US out of the W.H.O.

Sovereignty Coalition’s pivotal press conference with Rep. Ralph Norman and other lawmakers Wednesday, May 17 at 3pm ET:

Sovereignty at Stake: A Call to Action #ExitTheWHO

Why the US Must Withdraw from the WHO – And How it Can Be Done

VIDEO: The Sovereignty Coalition Rollout Event, April 5, 2023 – #ExitTheWHO

New ‘Sovereignty Coalition’ Unveils Campaign to Prevent the Surrender of American Freedom Seeks US Removal from a Dangerous World Health Organization on Steroids

Reggie Littlejohn Unpacks WHO Campaign To Build Global Surveillance State

Steve Bannon interviews Reggie Littlejohn on Bannon’s War Room about the Sovereignty Coalition and its effort to prevent the emerging global surveillance state to guard against ‘pandemics’ and ‘disinformation.’

Webinar | Every Breath You Take: Big Brother’s Plan to Stalk You through the WHO

A Stop Vax Passports Task Force Webinar Every Breath You Take: Big Brother’s Plan to Stalk You through the WHO Repeal or Amend – International Pandemic Prevention Act 2022! The World Health Organization (WHO) is simultaneously negotiating two instruments:  Amendments to the International Health Regulations and a new, so-called “WHO convention, agreement or other international … Read more

Webinar | Digital Gulag: The WHO’s Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations

With scant coverage by the mainstream media, the World Health Organization appears to be attempting a major power grab by means of revising the International Health Regulations.  If the proposed amendments currently under consideration are passed, our national and individual sovereignty are greatly at risk.

Webinar | Efficiency or Enslavement?

Are we about to be trapped in a “digital gulag,” set by digital IDs and a Central Bank Digital Currency?

Webinar | The Digital Gulag at Davos and the WHO: The Fight Continues

The globalists at Davos and the World Health Organization continue to build out the Digital Gulag of the Great Reset. In meetings hosted in Geneva earlier this month it was revealed that the WHO has contracted with Deutsche Telecom and its subsidiary, T-Systems, for the development of a global vaccine passport platform. And, at Davos, the World Economic Forum showcased plans for a global carbon footprint tracker. Both tools are gateways to mass surveillance and social credit systems modeled on Communist China’s brutal and draconian system of population control.

WEBINAR: Stop the Sellout of US Sovereignty to the WHO

At a meeting of the World Health Assembly in Geneva, Switzerland between the 22nd and 28th of May, U.S.-proposed amendments will be adopted that would make the Director-General of the WHO the sole arbiter of what is a “public health emergency of international concern” and dictate how our government and others must respond to it. This is the greatest voluntary surrender of our national sovereignty since our Republic was founded.